The Dangers of Stachybotrys Mold in Homes

Stachybotrys is a greenish-black mold that is often known as “toxic mold,” or “black mold.”  This type of mold is often more dangerous than other white molds, such as food mold.  Highly dangerous toxins are released into the air by Stachybotrys, and breathing anywhere around the infestation of mold can cause serious health risks.  There are also other dangers of living with this toxic mold, including damage to the home that can be costly to its overall value.  Below is a short discussion of some of the many dangers Stachybotrys can bring to your home.

Since a house doesn’t have to be subject to a natural disaster for Stachybotrys to grow, it is important for all homeowners to know the dangers of this toxic mold, so that if they suspect their house is affected, it can be dealt with immediately.  Preventing mold is the best thing a homeowner can do, and leaving a known patch to grow beyond contamination is only asking for one or more of these dangers to knock on the door of your home.


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